Strive to maintain the smooth and orderly operation of the industry to ensure the steady progress of key work - Jiang Wei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Steel Association, vice president and Secretary-General, talked about the progress of key work of the association in the first half of the year

Since the beginning of this year, the domestic steel market supply and demand of the stage imbalance, the short-term market rapid decline, large fluctuations, the steel industry operation shows high output, high cost, high inventory, low demand, low prices, low efficiency of the "three high and three low" situation. In the face of the grim situation of the operation of the industry, the China Iron and Steel Industry Association strengthened the awareness of service, improved the service mode, improved the service quality, took the initiative to act, worked hard to maintain the smooth and orderly operation of the industry, and made every effort to ensure the steady progress of key work.

Around the hot spots, difficulties and pain points of the steel industry, what effective work has the Steel Association done in the first half of the year? July 31, during the China Iron and Steel Industry Association six eight directors (expanded) meeting, "China Metallurgical News" reporter interviewed Jiang Wei, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Steel Association, vice president and Secretary-General.

Key word 1: Promote the balance between supply and demand

China Metallurgical News: Since the beginning of this year, the steel market has declined rapidly, mainly because the supply of steel is stronger than the demand. In this context, what measures has the Steel Association taken to guide the supply and demand balance of the industry and promote the improvement of efficiency?

Jiang Wei: In order to effectively respond to the downward trend of the industry and guide the supply and demand balance of the industry, the Steel Association has taken two main actions and achieved certain results.

The first action is to strengthen the study and judgment of the industry situation and fully reflect the demands of the industry.

At the beginning of this year, the Steel Association Party Committee held a central group (expanded) study meeting, Secretary He Wenbo organized the association department above leading cadres, in view of the outstanding problems and difficult situations facing the current operation of the industry, in the early stage of key enterprises and upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain extensive research and in-depth research on the basis of In accordance with the requirements of transforming the demands of member enterprises into professional opinions of the industry and transforming professional opinions of the industry into policy options of the government, the "Ten Policy Suggestions for Promoting the stable operation of the steel industry Chain" was formed, and the "Ten policy Suggestions" were submitted to 13 ministries and commissions including the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China in February. It will be the annual focus of the Steel Association this year, and strive to track and promote. In April this year, the Steel Association and the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the Ministry of Commerce held a five-party meeting, the "ten policy recommendations" have been highly valued by the higher ministries and commissions and positive responses. Some of the recommendations have been effectively absorbed, and some have been issued or are in the process of formulating supporting policies.

In the next step, the Steel Association will closely track the implementation effect of the policy recommendations that have made substantial progress to ensure that the expected positive role is played; Continue to strengthen cooperation and collaboration with relevant departments, actively explore new ways and methods of work, and strive to obtain more recognition, support, adoption and transformation.

At the same time, the downward trend of the steel industry this year has also been highly concerned by the relevant state departments. In order to feedback the operation of the industry in a timely manner, on the basis of doing a good job of reporting information directly to the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Steel Association has increased the intensity and frequency of reporting to the relevant ministries and commissions of the state, actively reflecting the operation situation of the industry and the new situation and new problems, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions. In the first half of the year, we provided various special report materials to the Financial Affairs Office of the People's Republic of China, the Counsellors' Office of the State Council, The Research Office of the State Council, the Development and Reform Commission (Industry Department, Price Department, Operation Bureau, Comprehensive Department), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Raw Materials Department, Operation Bureau), the Comprehensive Department of the Ministry of Finance and other national ministries and commissions, and actively participated in the regular analysis meetings organized by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In the first half of the year, more than 50 reports were provided to various ministries and departments. In addition, through monthly research and analysis, the formation of the "industry monthly analysis Report", timely issued and reminded member enterprises of the main issues that should be concerned about in the current period, by the relevant departments and industry enterprises highly affirmed and appreciated.

The second is to promote the dynamic balance of supply and demand through the "spring dawn action". Since March, the Steel Association has actively acted in the industry and organized the "Spring Dawn Action", which has promoted the stable operation of the industry by strengthening analysis and judgment, carrying out self-discipline initiatives, strengthening public opinion guidance, and establishing excellent models.

The first is to issue the proposal of "Recognizing the Situation and maintaining Perseverance to jointly Maintain the stable and orderly Development of the steel Industry", which issues proposals from five aspects of "recognizing the situation, unifying thoughts and understanding", "gathering strength, promoting orderly development", "maintaining perseverance, maintaining market stability", "deepening cooperation, achieving mutual benefit and win-win", "strengthening confidence, planning production and operation". We call on enterprises to control production and reduce inventories in accordance with market changes to achieve a dynamic match between supply and demand.

The second is to hold an expert meeting of the Propaganda and Exchange Working Committee to make arrangements for strengthening self-discipline and stable operation of publicity work. Through the launch of special reports and expert articles such as commentary articles, market analysis, typical enterprise cases, macroeconomic and downstream trend interpretation, the whole industry is called on to recognize the situation, actively respond to it, and concentrate on self-regulation to control production and reduce inventory. Through the China Metallurgical News editorial "self-discipline control of production and inventory reduction, to deal with the current market situation" and the signed article of the head of the leading iron and steel enterprises, put forward six issues to be clarified in response to the current market, calling on enterprises to strengthen self-discipline, coordinated development, actively practice the principle of "three set three do not", and strive to achieve a dynamic balance of supply and demand, and jointly maintain the stable, healthy and orderly operation of the steel market.

The third is to organize a working group to carry out research on output, inventory, price and profit, and make it clear that there is an obvious correlation between enterprise inventory level and sales profit rate. In view of the current enterprise inventory is at a historical high in the same period, it is proposed that reducing inventory as soon as possible is the primary task of the current industry to ensure efficiency.

This series of work has played a certain role in promoting the stable operation of the iron and steel industry, and has achieved the expected effect. But at the same time, we also recognize that actions are short-term and phased. Under the new normal of declining steel consumption year by year, this round of market adjustment is different from the cyclical supply and demand imbalance under the previous rising trend, and more powerful means are needed to establish exit channels, control the release of production capacity, and promote the dynamic balance of supply and demand, only in this way can the healthy and orderly development of the industry be achieved.

Key word 2: Green and low-carbon transformation

China Metallurgical News: As the world's largest steel producer and consumer, the green and low-carbon development of China's steel industry is a long-term and arduous task that requires persistent efforts. Since the beginning of this year, in the continuous promotion of industry pollution reduction and carbon reduction, coordinated promotion of green low-carbon transformation, what key work has the Steel Association done?

Jiang Wei: The Steel Association has made efforts in four aspects to continuously promote the industry's pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and coordinated the promotion of green and low-carbon transformation.

First, further promote the publicity work of enterprises' ultra-low emission transformation. In order to strengthen the positive guiding role of advanced enterprises, the Steel Association actively cooperated with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to promote the ultra-low emission transformation and upgrading of steel enterprises with high quality, and continued to carry out the publicity related work of ultra-low emission transformation; Pay close attention to and track the disclosure of enterprises' ultra-low emission transformation investment. As of June 30, 2024, a total of 140 steel companies (including one pellet company) have completed or partially completed ultra-low emission retrofitting and assessment monitoring. Among them, 99 steel enterprises completed the entire process of ultra-low emissions transformation, involving crude steel production capacity of about 459 million tons; 40 iron and steel enterprises completed the announcement of ultra-low emission transformation of some processes, involving a crude steel production capacity of about 142 million tons. At present, 35 enterprises (46 published materials) are under review, involving crude steel production capacity of about 0.7 million tons. As of the end of June 2024, the average investment of all enterprises that have completed the whole process of ultra-low emission transformation and publicized is about 466.36 yuan, and the overall investment has exceeded 220 billion yuan, and the new operation and maintenance cost of enterprises that have completed the whole process of ultra-low emission transformation and publicized has been 83.7 yuan. In the first half of 2024, the Iron and Steel Association accepted 40 enterprises for ultra-low emission transformation publicity applications; Organized experts to conduct formal review of the review materials for 575 people, and on-site investigation and review for 74 people. It should be pointed out that there are about 220 electric furnace steelmaking enterprises in China, and the number of electric furnace equipment is about 370. As of the end of June 2024, only 17 short-process enterprises in the country with 26 electric furnaces (of which 8 are members of the association) have completed or partially completed the ultra-low emission transformation publicity, involving steel production capacity of about 15.24 million tons, accounting for a small proportion, need to accelerate the ultra-low emission transformation progress in accordance with national requirements.

Second, study and promote China's steel green transformation package.

First, relying on the low-carbon work Promotion Committee to promote energy conservation and low-carbon work in the industry.? Solicited the technical list from the whole industry, and received 38 written opinions from 11 units; In April and May, two technical roadmap revision seminars were held, and the technical roadmap graphics and technical list were comprehensively revised and improved, and released at the 2024 annual meeting of the Low-carbon Work Promotion Committee, which received wide attention from inside and outside the industry. On July 9, at the 2024 Annual meeting of the Steel Industry Low-carbon Work Promotion Committee and the Seminar on Green low-carbon development of the steel industry, the steel low-carbon service platform organized by the China Iron and Steel Association and led by MCC CCID Group Co., Ltd. was officially released, which will provide carbon accounting, information and ecological services for the industry to promote the green low-carbon transformation and development of the industry.

Second, we will strengthen international exchanges on energy conservation and environmental protection technologies. Jointly organized the Sino-Japanese energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Expert Exchange Meeting in 2024 with Japan Steel Union, and exchanged and discussed the dual-carbon related policies and low-carbon development path measures of both sides' concern, as well as energy conservation, emission reduction and extreme energy efficiency in the steel industry. Thirty-nine Chinese representatives from China's Baowu, Angang, Hesteel, Shougang and 22 Japanese representatives from Japan Steel, JFE Steel, Kobe Steel and other companies attended the meeting and achieved good results.

The third is to organize the industry's energy saving and consumption reduction competition to create a good atmosphere for catching up. On June 7, the "2023 National Key large-scale steel production equipment energy conservation and consumption reduction Competition Evaluation Exchange Meeting" was held in Beijing, and a total of 9 champion furnaces, 32 winning furnaces and 33 pioneering furnaces were selected and exchanged.

Fourth, carry out research on green transformation finance. At the beginning of this year, in response to the problems of "difficult financing and expensive financing" of enterprises, the Steel Association reported to the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank and other departments the "Proposal on Green Finance to Support the transformation and upgrading of the Steel industry". A special research group on green transformation finance in the steel industry was set up, which conducted discussions and exchanges with the Research Bureau of the People's Bank of China, the Monetary Policy Committee, the Industry and Information Technology Department of Hebei Province, etc., and investigated Beijing Jianlong Group, Hegangshi Steel, Zhanjiang Iron and Steel, Puyang Iron and Steel, Jinnan Iron and Steel, Jinxi Iron and Steel, Zongheng Iron and Steel, Shougang Shares, Shougang Jingtang and other enterprises. Formed the "Report on the financial stage research work of the Steel Industry transformation" and the special research report on the green transformation of enterprises and fiscal and tax financial support.

Third, gradually improve and orderly promote the industry's ultimate energy efficiency project acceptance. Based on the work foundation of the industry's ultimate energy efficiency project, the "Special Action Plan for Energy Saving and Efficiency Improvement in the Steel Industry (2024-2025)" was fed back to the National Development and Reform Commission, which was affirmed by the Department of Environmental Information of the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Conservation Center; Organize the "Ministerial Progress Report on extreme energy efficiency" to report the progress of extreme energy efficiency work in 2023 and key work in 2024 to the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; Organize and carry out the ultimate energy efficiency series promotion and acceptance activities in the industry, and hold the "solution for the measured calorific value of blast furnace coal injection and the actual amount" meeting in Shanghai; Held the Smart energy to promote the ultimate energy efficiency docking and steel industry digital transformation evaluation kick-off meeting in Yancheng, Jiangsu; The energy efficiency benchmark demonstration acceptance method and the 2023 version of the ultimate energy efficiency technology partner capacity list were released. In the on-site review and acceptance of Shougang Jingtang, Baosteel, Angang, Hesteel, Shagang and other steel enterprises and industry related units were organized to participate in the simulation and acceptance and strengthen exchange and learning. Discussed and compiled the "Energy efficiency benchmarking Evaluation Standards for key processes of Iron and steel Enterprises", "Energy efficiency Benchmarking Demonstration and acceptance on-site verification Manual", "on-site verification Question and answer", and further clarified the on-site acceptance and verification process. The site acceptance of the ultimate energy efficiency of Baowu Zhanjiang Steel has been started. At present, the ultimate energy efficiency project has been actively responded to and participated in by enterprises, and achieved phased results. According to the statistics of the Steel Association, from January to June, the total energy consumption of member enterprises, comprehensive energy consumption per ton of steel, comparable energy consumption per ton of steel, and energy consumption of major processes such as sintering, pelletizing, iron making, steel making, and steel rolling showed a downward trend. Among them, The energy consumption of sintering process decreased by 0.84% year-on-year, the energy consumption of ironmaking process decreased by 0.71% year-on-year, the energy consumption of converter process decreased by 6.69% year-on-year, the energy consumption of electric furnace process decreased by 2.6% year-on-year, the total energy consumption decreased by 1.80% year-on-year, the comprehensive energy consumption of tons of steel decreased by 0.16% year-on-year, the comparable energy consumption of tons of steel decreased by 0.27% year-on-year, and the power consumption of tons of steel decreased by 0.03 year-on-year %.

Fourth, lead the green and low-carbon development of steel and accelerate the construction of the industry EPD platform.

First, the organization of the iron and steel industry EPD platform blue book release and high-quality development symposium. The Blue Book of the EPD Platform of the Steel Industry was compiled and released, which analyzed the green and low-carbon development situation of the industry, summarized the development experience of the platform, and analyzed the carbon emission data of key products and key processes. The meeting also released two PCRS and 64 EPD reports for the steel industry, and commended experts for the special contribution of the steel industry EPD platform, PCR innovation contribution experts, and EPD development contribution experts.

Second, continue to promote the construction of EPD platform. As of the end of June, the platform registered more than 4,300 units, issued 129 EPD reports, downloaded more than 30,000 times, recruited 24 international and domestic well-known third-party institutions, strengthen exchanges with the international EPD platform and related institutions, promote mutual recognition and mutual recognition, and promote the platform's influence and authority to further enhance.

Third, promote the preparation of low-carbon emission steel standards. Organized the establishment of China Baowu Liu Yinghao chief as the convener, industrial chain enterprises, scientific research institutions and other 71 experts composed of the preparation working group, held the preparation work seminar and data filling training meeting. At present, the establishment of the standard model and the first draft of the standard have been completed, and the data testing work has been carried out. Among them, more than 40 enterprises involved in the test have a production capacity of nearly 330 million tons, and the amount of data is the largest in the current international similar standards, laying the foundation for the authority of the standard. At the same time, a typical case of "Steel industry EPD Platform provides standardized and scientific product environmental performance data elements for steel industry chain" was declared to the Ministry of Commerce.

Key words three: Strengthen resource security

China Metallurgical News: The problem of resource security is a long-term pain point faced by China's steel industry. What achievements has the Steel Association made in improving the construction of the resource security system and maintaining the security and stability of the supply chain?

Jiang Wei: In the first half of the year, the Steel Association made efforts from four aspects, and achieved remarkable results in improving the construction of the iron ore resource guarantee system and maintaining the security and stability of the supply chain, laying a solid foundation for the sustainable and healthy development of the steel industry.

First, accelerate the development of domestic iron ore resources.

First, to investigate and sort out the progress of the approval and construction of key iron ore projects in China. Carry out two information surveys on key domestic iron ore projects, organize the implementation of the main enterprises to update and improve the approval and construction progress information of iron ore projects, and list the problems that need to be coordinated and solved in detail and accurately. The list of key domestic iron ore projects will be sorted out and summarized to provide basic support for the National Development and Reform Commission and other relevant ministries and commissions to accelerate the construction of domestic iron ore projects. After summary, the current domestic key iron ore projects have been adjusted from 55 to 63, and the total iron concentrate capacity has reached 191 million tons.

Second, we will ensure that the working mechanism for inter-ministerial coordination continues to play its role. Actively cooperate with the Department of Industry of the National Development and Reform Commission to organize the working meeting of the inter-ministerial coordination mechanism to study and accelerate the construction of domestic key mine projects. May participated in the project association