Jia Yinsong: Green transformation and innovation drive to the "new" and continue to promote the high-quality development of the steel industry

"Since the beginning of this year, I have visited more than 30 enterprises to investigate, and the problems reflected by enterprises are mainly concentrated in three aspects, that is, how to see the situation? What about the industry? What do companies do?" At the "Accelerate the development of new quality productivity according to local conditions, promote the new practice of Chinese-style modern steel" conference and the second session of the Jiangsu Iron and Steel Industry Association five Standing Council, Council, and two three member congresses, Jia Yinsong, Secretary general of the Metallurgical Chamber of Commerce, said that in the face of the new situation in the current economic operation of the steel industry, enterprises should be firm in confidence. Keep a clear head, face the severe situation of the steel market, seize the opportunity to avoid risks.

Since 2024, the national economy has continued to recover and improve, the steel industry has developed new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions, and positive results have been achieved in strong management, structural adjustment, steady growth and innovative development of enterprises. However, the steel industry is also facing a new situation of shrinking demand, supply shock, weakening expectations, and increasing structural contradictions.

At the meeting, Jia Yinsong responded to the three aspects of the problem reflected by the enterprise.

How does the situation look? Dialectical look to seize the opportunity, firmly focus on the priority of high-quality development!

At present, China is the world's largest in terms of trade in goods, the second largest economy, and the largest according to the UN industrial classification. There is every reason to believe that the Chinese economy has a sound foundation, great resilience, and strong momentum. To this end, we need to build up confidence to seize opportunities and pursue development forever. At the same time, we must also keep a clear mind, face the severe situation of the steel market, and seize opportunities to avoid risks.

The first is to find opportunities in the development of "two new" (new quality productive forces and new industrialization).? We should seize the opportunity of new industrialization, urbanization and the integration of factories and cities in coordinated development. The second is to find opportunities in the "dual" (security capacity building in major strategies and key areas). The third is to find opportunities in the consumption of "two new" (large-scale equipment renewal, household appliances and other durable consumer goods to replace the old), "two new" will bring "two increases", that is, on the one hand to increase steel consumption, on the other hand to increase the production of scrap steel.

What about the industry? Pragmatic dry and permanent development, and continuously improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the industrial chain!

The law of supply and demand is the main law of the market, at present, the main problem of the economic operation of the steel industry is in the market, which is manifested as oversupply and total excess. The meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on July 30 clearly pointed out the problems of "insufficient effective demand" and "preventing the vicious competition of" internal involvement ". Steel enterprises should fully understand the new changes in the market regularity and stages, that is, the total amount has reached the peak platform period, and the structural adjustment has entered the critical period. Innovation is the only way to develop at this stage. Jia Yinsong said that enterprises should seize the periodic opportunities of the market law, first, to adapt to market changes, adjust the product structure, adhere to the "three want and three don't" (that is, sales to determine production, ‌ do not turn cash into inventory; ‌ based on efficiency, ‌ do not produce operational "blood loss"; ‌ sell at a fixed price, ‌ do not convert cash into receivables); The second is the innovative change of the process structure, around the "three changes", that is, high-end, intelligent, green, from manufacturing to "intelligent" transformation; The third is to reform the industrial structure, promote the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industries, and continue to promote strong chain reinforcement chain extension chain.

How do companies do it? Practice internal power market see, continue to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises!

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development", which is directly related to the steel industry, first, green low-carbon transformation and upgrading, vigorously promote the green low-carbon transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as steel, promote energy-saving low-carbon and clean production technology and equipment, and promote the process update and upgrading. Second, we will optimize the scale and layout of production capacity, continue to update binding standards on land, environment, energy efficiency, water efficiency and carbon emissions, lead the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries with the improvement of national standards, and establish a sound production capacity exit mechanism. Third, we will reasonably raise the resource and environmental access threshold for new, renovated and expanded projects, and resolutely curb the blind launch of projects with high energy consumption, high emissions, and low level.

Jia Yinsong said that the survival of the fittest is the proper meaning of market rules, and the market is the "touchstone". Enterprises should keep an eye on the market, work hard at the scene, one is to study and put forward the practical technological innovation roadmap of product replacement capacity, such as to develop the implementation measures of the mandatory standards for threaded steel reinforcement on September 25. The second is to study the action plan to improve the quality brand influence. Third, it is necessary to study and improve the strategy of building the core competitiveness of enterprises, enterprises should have "specialized and special new" goal and task promotion table, and unswervingly take the new path of "specialized and special new" to be market-oriented; It is necessary to develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions and further cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises.